FIME and Barnes’ joint personalization validation tool meets latest Mastercard PVT qualification requirements

“EMV migration continues to accelerate worldwide, driven by increasing demand for advanced mobile and contactless payment solutions,” comments Guillaume Labendzki, Vice President Marketing at FIME. “In my opinion the qualification of our PersevalPro tool against Mastercard PVT Requirements allows issuers to ensure their product is compliant throughout the development process. This paves the way for a smooth, cost-effective route to market for their solutions.”

“Emerging technologies are contributing to an increasingly complex payments ecosystem,” adds Brian Summerhayes, Managing Director at Barnes International. “I believe that our strong and enduring partnership with Mastercard means clients spanning the globe can use our tool to deliver fast, secure, and interoperable payment solutions to consumers.”

Barnes and FIME have combined their expertise since 2011 to qualify their co-developed Personalization Validation Tool, the FIME PersevalPro Issuer tool, against the Mastercard PVT Requirements.

FIME is the implementation partner of choice for the financial services sector and is accredited by major international and domestic payment brands for card personalization validation services. Issuers can also benefit from dedicated training programs, which equip attendees with the skills and knowledge to consistently deliver successful projects within the shifting payments landscape.

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