FIME’s Japanese laboratory achieves AMEX & EMV C-4 accreditations

The separate accreditations from AMEX and EMVCo ensure the effective operation and market interoperability of contactless payment terminals by outlining the minimum software functionality required to operate effectively.

“Ongoing EMV migration and the upcoming 2020 Olympics in Tokyo are driving an increase in EMV chip deployments and the adoption of contactless payment technology across Japan,” comments Arnaud Peninon, VP Global Laboratories at FIME. “These latest accreditations are part of FIME’s ongoing strategy to support local terminal manufacturers and kernel developers with the widest test and consultancy portfolio available on the market. These certification processes foster stability and security across the region’s expanding contactless infrastructure.”

The Japanese laboratory will use FIME’s qualified test tool, EVAL, to perform formal certification testing. The tool is available to purchase for in-house pre-certification testing to help identify issues that can lead to delays later in the process.

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