First Data Names Jonathan Judge Chief Executive Officer

Previously, Judge served as president and CEO at Paychex, Inc., a publicly traded, leading provider of payroll, human resources and benefits outsourcing solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses located in Rochester, N.Y. He will relocate to Atlanta, where First Data is headquartered. „“I am grateful for the opportunity to join a world-class organization with both an experienced leadership team and global employees who are committed to meeting customers‘ needs and ensuring the company is an even stronger leader in electronic commerce and payment technology solutions,““ said Judge. Judge succeeds Joe Forehand, chairman of First Data’s board of directors and a senior advisor at KKR, who was also serving as the company’s interim CEO. Forehand will continue to serve as chairman of the board. „“When I assumed the interim role, I referred to First Data as a great company with a great history and a great future,““ said Forehand. „“First Data’s future is taking shape now, and Jon has demonstrated the leadership and ability to take the company into its next stage of growth and development. Jon is a dynamic individual who has thrived as a leader of both public and private companies.““ 

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