Gemalto and IER create the complete self-service airport experience for travellers

Gemalto and IER Fly to Gate answers the growing need for​ a self-service experience that takes travellers smoothly from their home to the departure gate. A typical Gemalto and IER Fly to Gate departure solution gives the traveller the choice between mobile check-in or self-service kiosks and includes bag drop points, border control, security and boarding gates.

This innovative offer combining IER’s self-service equipment and services with Gemalto’s border management solutions opens a swift and secure biometric pathway through the airport.

Gemalto and IER Fly to Gate supports multimodal biometric verification including facial recognition, robust document verification and straightforward integration with immigration systems, enabling rigorous standards of security and outstanding operational efficiency for airports and airlines.

The solution offers complete flexibility to meet individual airport operator requirements, and the potential to make virtually all traveller handling processes automatic. By putting the passenger in control of their airport experience, Gemalto and IER’s joined-up approach reduces queueing, as well as the stress and strain associated with air travel. Airports and airlines also benefit from the enhanced customer experience, with travellers enjoying more free time in leisure and retail facilities.

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