Gemalto and Veridos strengthen citizen identity security with eID cards for Macao Government

The new Macao eID cards are effective at mitigating fraud and counterfeiting activities. They are made from tamper-proof polycarbonate material, and incorporate two innovative security ID featur​​es from Gemalto: Window Lock and True Vision. These allow the authorities to verify the cards‘ authenticity with the naked eye and under a UV light – significantly enhancing regional security for the Identification Services Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, while offering Macao citizens‘ unparalleled convenience when accessing e-government services.

Macao is one of the world’s top 20[1] tourist destinations. In addition to its own population of 600,000[​2], Macao attracts an average of 2.5 million[3] international visitors on a monthly basis. This places a greater emphasis on identity management and enforcement, which has become a major challenge for all governments. With the widespread proliferation of internet connectivity and mobile devices globally, identity fraud and theft have been on the rise and need addressing urgently.

„We originally started a strong partnership with Veridos and Trüb back in 2013. Since Gemalto incorporated Trüb, this cooperation has been extended accordingly,“ said Elsie U Ao Ieong, Director of the Identification Services Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. „We are confident that our concerted expertise and efforts will give Macao the technological edge in identity card security.“

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