Gemalto and Worldline join forces for mobile payment

Worldline will provide tokenization, a key element of mobile payments which transforms a physical card into a digital token, thanks to its Token Service Provider platform, while Gemalto will ensure the highly secured credential delivery services to embed these tokens into smartphone mobile wallets using its Allynis Trusted Services Hub. Worldline will also provide additional identity verification and other issuing-related services. With this partnership, Worldline and Gemalto continue to actively contribute to a faster deployment of mobile payments with a bank-centric solution.

„Gemalto’s wide smartphone reach brought by our Allynis Trusted Services Hub along with Worldline’s strong presence in the processing business result in a scalable service which complies with scheme certifications,“ said Philippe Cambriel, President for Europe, Mediterranean and CIS at Gemalto. „It will help Worldline clients to deploy third party wallets quickly and more easily.“

Wolf Kunisch, Head of the Global Business Line Financial Processing & Software Licensing and Managing Director of Germany & CEE at Worldline says: „In this time of significant payment innovation, Worldline is the banks‘ partner, helping them to offer new services to their customers. Our agreement with Gemalto will allow banks to get fast access, through existing connections, to many third party wallet platforms, thanks to our joint  expertise’s and Allynis Trusted Services Hub, while keeping control and flexibility on the use of the payment data.“

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