Gemalto awarded three times as the global leader in transport ticketing solutions

Transport providers in over 50 cities and countries are now using Gemalto’s solutions, including the world’s busiest metro systems in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. These schemes have enabled dramatic improvements in customer services and efficiency, resulting in better experience and shorter queues for millions of commuters. Gemalto’s solutions also offer operators the opportunity to host additional value-added applications such as payment, access or mobile marketing, leading to new partnerships with other merchants and enterprises. 

The factors cited by ABI in awarding first position to Gemalto include the company’s broad product portfolio, high scores for implementation and innovation, and expansive global reach and penetration1. Juniper highlighted Gemalto’s pivotal position in the NFC market, supported by an extensive international presence2. IHS reports, which cover transport card shipment volumes, also rank Gemalto as number one for share of this worldwide market3.

„These reports confirm Gemalto as the perfect companion on the journey towards seamless contactless travel. Our solutions are hugely experienced with transport operators and their partners like system integrators, mobile operators and banks to deliver successful and scalable outcomes,“ said Serge Barbe, Senior Vice President of Embedded Software and Card Management for Gemalto. „Furthermore, there is no doubt that deployments on train, bus and metro networks are rapidly familiarizing consumers with the new benefits of contactless and mobile payment transactions that take an increasing part in their everyday life.“ 1.ABI Research „Transportation and Ticketing Card“ report – December 2014
2 .Juniper „Mobile & Online Ticketing 2015-2019 Market Trends“ report- March 2015
3. IHS TECHNOLOGY „Smart Cards in Transportation“ report – 2015″ 9 October 2015​


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