Gemalto boosts eGovernment adoption by securely combining eID cards and NFC phones

Coesys mGov enables citizens to use their phones as an authentication and signature tool with an environment they can trust, opening the door to a rich array of eGov services. These range from social and health provision, such as family, employment or retirement, as well as driver’s license related services and health insurance benefits, to local public services and citizenship including on-line participation and e-voting with both security and privacy.

Coesys mGov helps governments and public authorities to enhance their trusted digital schemes, and deploy a national Mobile ID scheme complementary to identity programs. Authorities can meet the needs of modern, digitally connected societies and realize dramatic increases in the uptake of eGov services. It is also flexible enough to fit perfectly with a government’s existing digital identity and security strategy. For example, the level of authentication can be adapted according to the nature of online services being accessed.

To further simplify the user experience, when used in conjunction with Gemalto’s LinqUs Mobile ID, Coesys mGov supports the creation of derived secure credentials in the SIM card itself, or inside any other Secure Element available in the mobile phone, or in the cloud.

„The convergence of NFC-enabled mobile devices and the surge of new national eID schemes open up a completely new era for innovative, citizen-centric services,“ said Frédéric Trojani, Executive Vice President for Government Programs at Gemalto. „This ultra-convenient solution pairs the security and trust of national eID cards with all the ease of use of a cell phone, a winning combination that is key to a rapid uptake by citizens.“


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