Gemalto named market leader in Government and Healthcare by ABI research

In addition, ABI recognized that Gemalto has been extremely proactive in promoting and illustrating the benefits of electronic documents technology and digital ID for the public sector. The company actively contributes to international standards as well as industry groups, and recently founded the Secure Identity Alliance together with other digital ID companies.
„Gemalto continues to innovate at the forefront of the ID market,” said Phil Sealy, senior analyst at ABI Research. „In line with future market trends, the company is placing the emphasis on eGovernment enablement regardless of the device used by citizens – computers, smartphones, tablets and more.“

„We are honored that ABI recognized our ability to enable the next generation of secure eIDs and build the foundations for a modern, trusted, privacy-protected digital economy, leveraging our long-standing experience of the identity market and a robust track-record,” added Frédéric Trojani, Executive Vice President of Government Programs at Gemalto. „The company provides technologies and services to over 80 government programs around the world and is uniquely positioned to help governments succeed in their modernization projects.“


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