Gemalto Partners with Samsung for the launch of Samsung Pay in Europe

Gemalto’s Allynis TSH is a one-stop connection that offers payment issuers an accelerated path to launch mobile payment services, integrating streamlined user enrollment, service installation and lifecycle management of payment credentials or tokenization services. Onboarding for payment issuers is significantly simplified, without the need for massive new IT investments and rapidly offering a frictionless user experience across the full range of handset security models. Samsung Pay on the new Galaxy handsets benefits from a dedicated embedded secure element for storing sensitive credentials, while the Allynis TSH ensures that payment issuers can benefit from the maximum flexibility for future roadmaps. 

„We are excited to work with Gemalto as they offer Gemalto’s hub services worldwide that offer a secure payment card digitization solution to Samsung Pay,“ said Injong Rhee, EVP of Samsung Electronics, global head of B2B Solutions. „With Gemalto’s technologies, Samsung Pay will be able to deliver a simple, secure and everywhere mobile payment experience to more consumers.“


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