Gemalto Payment HSM supports cloud tokenization requirements for secure mobile payment transactions

With the growing popularity of mobile payments and the emergence of new technology such as Host Card Emulation (HCE), new software-based standards have been developed by major payment players to digitize card credentials and enable secure, device-based payment transactions. Banks, card issuers and payment service providers can now deploy the SafeNet Luna EFT Payment HSM and offer customers contactless payment applications that are compliant with these specifications. The SafeNet Luna EFT Payment HSM plays a central role in protecting payment data by managing the entire cryptographic process that secures the enrollment, provisioning, and tokenization of payment card credentials and payment operations.

„Given the disruptive nature of being able to use your phone to pay for goods and services, it’s important that we recognize the role that security will play in making it a reality,“ said Todd Moore, Vice President Data Encryption at Gemalto. „For any bank or service provider that wants to offer cloud-based payments they must deploy an HSM, and our SafeNet Luna EFT Payments HSM is certified to deliver the specific functionality required by major payment players.“ 

The SafeNet Luna EFT adheres to the highest level of data protection in the industry, providing FIPS 140-2 Level 3 security and meeting the PCI-HSM 2.0 standard for physical and logical protection to cryptographic keys which are used to secure financial transactions. Furthermore, it features a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that simplifies the process of configuring and managing cryptographic and key component settings.


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