Gemalto R&D Project Wins Coveted Pan-European Trophy

Leading a consortium of top-tier industrial players, Gemalto developed innovations that have led to real-life applications and tangible benefits for service providers and end users, in particular reference solutions for all major eID programs currently underway in the European Union, and advanced solutions to deploy mobile contactless applications. International Standards support the success of the ONOM@TOPIC+ project. “We live in a time of growing interconnectivity and rapid technological advancement,” commented Olivier Piou, Gemalto’s Chief Executive Officer. “This prestigious award is an endorsement of our capacity in bringing trust and convenience to the digital and wireless world. We are committed to innovation, with over 100 million Euros investment in R&D every year, drawing on the expertise of Gemalto’s 1500 digital scientists around the world. We’ll continue to serve our customers with pioneering solutions that make them stay one step ahead!” Additional information on EUREKA EUREKA is a pan-European initiative uniting 38 member countries with shared goal to support companies and research institutes in transnational R&D projects. This industry-led organization is aimed at promoting international, market-oriented research and innovation through the support they offer to small and medium-sized enterprises, large industry players, universities and research institutes. Through EUREKA, these organizations are introducing new products, processes and services to market. 

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