Gemalto Wins 2010 Innovation Award at European Nanoelectronics Forum

The project, led by Gemalto and involving a consortium of 15 members, explored possible extensions of the Trusted Secure Computing concepts. In the near future, technologies developed within this project will be the cornerstone of cloud computing security. This will enable organizations to ensure their internal applications are running on trusted servers and used by authorized employees. Consumers will also be able to verify the trust level of any machine, for example, in order to be able to use any TV set to securely access eBanking or eGovernment services. Results from the Trusted Secure Computing project have led to tangible offers, with a number of global companies already deploying the technology. In particular, Gemalto’s Personal Secure Token and related infrastructure creates the trusted environment for secure access to value-added services over-the-Internet whether from a PC, a mobile terminal or a TV display. “This prestigious distinction further endorses our expertise in bringing trust and convenience to the digital and wireless world,” commented Tan Teck-Lee, Chief Innovation and Technology Officer at Gemalto. “Trusted Secure Computing will provide increased mobility of contents, rights and digital identities across multiple everyday devices, with the same level of trust. Furthermore, it sets a foundation for Gemalto to empower machine-to-machine security solutions.” *CATRENE: Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics. The CATRENE program is supported by the EUREKA pan-European initiative. 

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