Gemalto’s U.S. Production Center Awarded NASPO Security Assurance Certification

The NASPO standard certification evaluates all security practices within the center. This includes the manufacturing and services processes, security controls for the supply chain and critical component suppliers, as well as policies and procedures to ensure only authorized customers have access to finished products. Gemalto’s Montgomeryville facility produces, personalizes and delivers a broad range of secure products. These include U.S. electronic passports, credit and debit cards, contactless payment cards, subscriber identification modules (SIMs) and universal identification cryptographic cards (UICCs) for mobile telecom, and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards for U.S. federal government employees. “Gemalto’s commitment to our customers and the security of their supply chain is what drives our ongoing voluntary compliance with NASPO and other security certifications,” said Paul Beverly, president Gemalto North America. “The NASPO standard audit provides a rigorous third-party accreditation assuring our customers that security best practices, controls, processes and procedures are strictly enforced for everything we produce and deliver.” 

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