Gemplus names new President for China

Suzanne Tong-Li has ten years experience in the smart card sector, including several years focused on Asian markets. Following five years in consulting, she joined Bull in 1995, where she held various positions in the design team and in business development for China and Asia Pacific. When this activity was acquired by Schlumberger, she took charge of business development for Indirect Channels. Prior to joining Gemplus, she was Axalto’s President for Japan and North Asia General Manager. Suzanne Tong-Li, a native of Hangzhou in China, will be based in Beijing, where she is re-locating with her husband and two children. Suzanne holds a PhD from Paris Sud University in Artificial Intelligence, was Visitor at the University of Berlin, Germany and holds a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Zhejiang University in China. Gemplus entered the Chinese market at the end of 1994, and established its head office in Beijing. Since then, Gemplus has set up sales offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei and two joint ventures in Tianjin and Zhuhai. 

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