Giesecke & Devrient receives three scheme certifications for its dual interface cards

To support Australian banks in meeting the requirements for the eftpos migration to EMV and contactless payment, G&D Australasia can offer a suite of eftpos chip enabled products based on its proven, highly secure Java card and antenna technology. The fully scheme certified eftpos dual interface products developed by G&D – eftpos only, eftpos and Visa, eftpos and Mastercard – are based on the latest specifications and offers the market a minimum three year lifetime, providing issuers planning certainty, as well as enough free memory for all applications required to allow international scheme credit and debit acceptance, as well as local eftpos.

By developing these products, optimized and tailored to support the eftpos transition to chip enabled cards, G&D Australasia has demonstrated its commitment to the local Australian payments market and its customers. G&D also announced, this commitment extends to the willingness to provide this technology to other card manufacturers.

„Scheme accreditation for our suite of eftpos chip enabled cards is an important step for G&D“, comments Uli Klink, Managing Director G&D Australasia. “We are fully committed to the eftpos migration program and our new products will enable our customers, eftpos and the market to meet the necessary requirements for this significant transformation.”


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