GlobalPlatform and the Trusted Computing Group Form Work Group to Drive Mobile Security Standards and Solutions

The focus of the work group will be placed on security topics. This includes the TCG Trusted Platform Module Mobile (TPM Mobile) – a TCG-specified security component for mobile devices that supports secure boot, and secures root secrets and immutable data, and GlobalPlatform’s Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) – a secure area that resides in the main processor of a smartphone and ensures that sensitive data is stored, processed and protected in a trusted environment.

Brian Berger, TCG board member and marketing work group chair, comments, “This collaboration between the TCG and GlobalPlatform combines expertise in trusted, secure platforms with knowledge of securing mobile applications, including global payment options. We anticipate seeing new open and interoperable standards resulting from these discussions.”

“Both GlobalPlatform and the TCG feel it is important to have a collective understanding and insight into the work that is being undertaken,” comments Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director at GlobalPlatform. “Through these discussions, it will be possible to outline a technical roadmap for deploying security on mobile devices, ensuring long-term technical interoperability and innovation across multiple sectors.”

GlobalPlatform and the TCG aim to conclude phase one analysis of their respective technologies, which will identify areas for future collaboration, in the first quarter of 2013. Member companies that participate in both industry associations will be eligible to contribute to the work group.

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