GlobalPlatform Updates NFC UICC Configuration to Align with Latest GSMA Specifications

“It’s crucial that operators and SIM vendors can confirm that their products are aligned with industry specifications so that they can support the functional requirements of contactless services. Interoperability is critical in enabling the mobile ecosystem to scale,” commented Gloria Trujillo, SIM Group Director at GSMA.

“Cross-industry partnerships are central to the success of GlobalPlatform’s compliance activity,” adds Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director of GlobalPlatform. “Technology is constantly evolving and consensus is key to the successful delivery of consistent services to end users. The GSMA’s comprehensive vision of the telecom market has enhanced the configuration and we welcome requirements from other bodies and organizations involved in the development, provisioning and management of contactless services to NFC-enabled devices.”

Test suites, tools and laboratories were qualified as part of the GlobalPlatform TestFest process and are available to verify the alignment of UICC products prior to market launch. Please visit the GlobalPlatform website to see a list of qualified tools, laboratories and products.


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