GlobalPlatform Welcomes Trustonic

Trustonic – established as a joint venture involving GlobalPlatform members ARM, Gemalto and Giesecke & Devrient – will participate in GlobalPlatform’s work to standardize the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE); a secure area that resides in the main processor of a smartphone (or any smart connected device) and ensures that sensitive data is stored, processed and protected in a trusted environment. Christophe Colas, VP Product Marketing at Trustonic and former employee of Gemalto, will continue his role to lead GlobalPlatform activity in this area as the association’s Device Committee Chair.

Through its Full Member status, Trustonic is eligible to participate in GlobalPlatform’s Card and System Committees, engage in its market-led task forces, as well as enjoy organizational and technical voting rights and an opportunity to compete for a seat on GlobalPlatform’s Board of Directors.

“We are delighted to have Trustonic on board,” comments Kevin Gillick, Executive Director at GlobalPlatform. “While the company is new, its team boasts a wealth of experience and specialist TEE knowledge. The heritage of Trustonic means that many of its employees have been engaged in GlobalPlatform previously and their ongoing support and commitment to our efforts – particularly to the advancement of the TEE – is extremely valuable.”


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