HJP and TÜViT perform conformance tests at the SAC Interoperability Test in London

The standards for security mechanisms used in electronic passports are developed by ICAO in collaboration with international organizations, such as ISO, and national authorities, such as the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

The InterOp Test at the Security Document World conference in London will be the third SAC Interoperability Test within the last 4 years. HJP’s partner TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (TÜV NORD GROUP) will be one of international test laboratories to perform the SAC/PACE tests using HJP’s GlobalTester conformity test tool for e-passports and readers. The GlobalTester test tool was the first to offer PACE-CAM tests in July 2015.

In Europe, the security protocol Supplemental Access Control (SAC) or PACE represents the 3rd generation of e-passports and replaces Basic Access Control (BAC), which was introduced with the first generation of e-passports.

GlobalTester is the world’s only open source-based test platform to test the conformance of electronic ID documents and readers, such as e-passports and inspection systems. HJP will launch GlobalTester 3.1 at SDW with new features for enhanced usability, detailed failure analysis as well as fast implementation and automation of tests. With the new GlobalTester platform HJP is expanding the conformance testing portfolio from smart-card based applications to testing any security protocol, such as the EnOcean protocol for smart home applications as well as MQTT protocol in the context of IoT.


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