ICMA elects new President and Vice President

As well, Fernando Bautista of Thomas Greg & Sons was elected to serve as vice president of ICMA, and Bud Kronenberg of Keystone Plastics was elected as the newest Board member. Each will serve a two-year term, effective immediately. A long-time Board member, Grün has chaired and presented several ICMA workshops, and continues to play an integral role in expanding the association’s membership on a global level. Currently, Grün serves as the director of card engineering solutions for Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (G&D), a Munich, Germany-based manufacturer of microchip and security cards for diverse secure and non-secure applications. “I have been with ICMA for over 13 years and am truly honored to be elected as the new president. Together, ICMA and its membership have accomplished a great deal and helped many individuals and companies achieve success. I plan to continue this growing momentum and look forward to leading the association in what is a very exciting time for the industry,” said Grün. Bautista is the vice president of corporate development for Thomas Greg & Sons Limited, which is headquartered in Bogotá, Colombia. He has been a principal member of ICMA since 1992 and has served on the ICMA Board of Directors, representing the Latin American region, for the past several years. Kronenberg joins the ICMA Board as a principal member representing the North American region. A long-time member and supporter of ICMA, Bud joined Keystone as General Manager in 1990 and progressed through the ranks to vice president, executive vice president, and he currently holds the position of president and COO with full responsibilities for all functions of the company. Based in Toronto, Canada, Keystone Plastics provides total card and smart card solutions to clients in Canada, the United States and abroad. LMcCullough@icma.com www.icma.com 

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