Imprimerie Nationale Issues France’s First Electronic Passports

These new modern travel documents feature Axseal, Axalto’s e-passport technology: a highly secure operating system with encryption algorithms that work on a contactless chip incorporated into the passport’s cover. In addition to the identity information already contained on the first page, this chip also features the passport holder’s digitized photo. Loïc Lenoir de la Cochetière, Chairman and CEO of Imprimerie Nationale S.A., stated: „“Imprimerie Nationale has always been guided by its mission to provide the French state with sensitive administrative documents, such as identity papers, visas and driving licenses. By delivering these new e-passports to the French government, Imprimerie Nationale has been especially responsive in implementing the new technologies required for a modern administrative France, by calling on a recognised partner offering a proven technology, Axalto.““ 

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