InComm and Gemalto Deliver Secure Prepaid Mobile NFC Payments

„The prepaid card market is one of the fastest growing non-cash payments markets with growth expected at an annual rate of 22% through 20171. In this booming market, we are working closely with InComm to provide bank-grade security during the mobile provisioning of payment card information,“ said Sebastien Cano, President of North America at Gemalto. „The combination of our TSH and InComm’s IMP is facilitating the transition of tangible prepaid to mobile payments.“

„Working with Gemalto, InComm now has the ability to offer secure NFC payments through mobile,“ explained Michael Parlotto, Vice President of Emerging Technology at InComm. „Leveraging Gemalto’s secure provisioning for retailers and prepaid product providers transitioning into the mobile arena combined with InComm’s open loop prepaid cards, puts us in a strong position to make the prepaid experience more secure, convenient and customized for consumers.“




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