iZettle goes to Germany

“We’re quickly becoming a cashless society, but for many small businesses and individual service providers like plumbers, housekeepers, or vendors at the local farmer’s market, traditional point of sale card readers are just too expensive. For them, iZettle means never having to miss a sale again and an end to time consuming invoicing and billing.” said Jacob de Geer, iZettle CEO and co-founder. And added: “Strategically, Germany is one of our core markets, and we are committed to serving everyone from individuals to small businesses here long term. Our ambition is to become the undisputed market leader in Germany and given the partnerships with DZ BANK and Deutsche Telekom we believe we are very well positioned.”

To get started with iZettle’s you download the app from App Store and sign up at the company’s website. Starting today iZettle is making 25,000 chip-card readers for iPhone or iPad available free of charge during launch.

Equens, a joint venture of DZ BANK with other major European banks, will process iZettle payments in Germany. The iZettle solution will be available at selected Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken. Deutsche Telekom – Europe’s largest carrier – will distribute the iZettle chip-card reader in the Telekom shops across the country.

iZettle is EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) approved, and compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). No sensitive data is ever stored on the mobile device or iZettle reader, and all data traffic is encrypted. iZettle merchants are charged 2.75% of payments made. iZettle then electronically deposits payments in the merchant’s bank account.




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