Leistungen OMNISECURE engl. Services

Our services for you at a glance

  • 2 long evenings for premium networking
  • 2 full days conference programme
  • 22 major forums
  • 12 tutorials and workshops
  • More than 80 speakers
  • WiFi free of charge
  • Kick-off breakfast on 23th January
  • Two open-end networking opportunities: Large buffet on 21st and 22nd January (only for speakers and participants)
  • Lunch buffet including drinks on 22nd and 23th January
  • 8 coffee breaks and refreshments
  • Free exhibition area access (only for speakers and participants)
  • Password for presentations
  • List of participants and curriculum vitaes of speakers

We will be pleased to assist you with your hotel room reservation at the SHERATON BERLIN GRAND HOTEL ESPLANADE. All rooms in the hotel have been reserved at special rates for OMNISECURE 2019 participants.To claim these special rates, please make your reservation by 30th December at the latest.

Special conditions for

  • Employees of universities and research institutes:  Euro 280.- plus VAT.
  • Employees of federal and state agencies:  Euro 580.- plus VAT.
  • Students (not older than 26 years):  Euro 80.- plus VAT.

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