M2MD and G&D Announce the Availability of a Secure Communications Gateway

The solution is optimized to provide a unique, cloud-based platform that strengthens data transmission security and the speed of initiating communications between the vehicle and the automaker’s preferred telematics platform. Enhanced security is driven by a patent pending solution integrating the best 3GPP wireless communication security with standard TLS 1.2. For improved connectivity, the Gateway instantly triggers a network initiated data session to the vehicle, resulting in an immediate response to complete requests for remote control functions (e.g. remote vehicle start) resulting in a better user experience.

“Having worked with almost every major automobile manufacturer in the world, it is exciting to see a solution that is truly faster, better, and less expensive to operate,” said Chuck Link, President and CTO of M2MD Technologies. “The secure Communications Gateway is a complex set of code integrated into the mobile network and communication modules yet delivers three simple benefits to the automotive industry: security, speed, and lower costs.”

“We are committed to working with automakers to significantly enhance the security of connected vehicles and the new gateway is an important step to improve customer experience while reducing operational costs,” said Scott Marquardt, President of G&D’s US Mobile Security business. “Leveraging G&D’s M2M SIM know-how and hosting the secure Communications Gateway in G&D’s fully redundant and secure data centers ensures the highest level of security and data privacy for car manufacturers and their customers.”


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