Mahindra Satyam and Morpho selected to deliver India’s Identification Number Program

Aadhaar, the largest identity program in the world is designed to secure the identity of the residents of India, which is currently close to 1.2 billion. Based on latest generation biometric technologies (fingerprints and iris recognition), it aims to provide a unique identification number to each Indian resident to provide them with secure access to benefits and services (education, telecom, medical care, banking and financial services) as well as political and economic rights. The Mahindra Satyam and Morpho team was selected by UIDAI as one of the three key partners for the initial phase of this program. This first stage will run up to two years during which a total of 200 million residents are expected to be registered by a combination of the three selected providers. Mahindra Satyam and Morpho will develop and maintain systems that will cross-check every new application by sifting through the biometrics database, preventing accidental or fraudulent duplication and ensuring that each identification number is unique. Morpho will provide the biometric technology while Mahindra Satyam will integrate and provide support across platforms and databases. The combination of Mahindra Satyam’s domain expertise and Morpho’s technology played the decisive role in being chosen by UIDAI. With this selection, Morpho continues to confirm its world leadership in biometric identification systems, already in service in more than 100 countries around the world while Mahindra Satyam continues to demonstrate its leadership in the field of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) and offer real-world solutions to organizations. 

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