MasterCard Europe Makes Marketing & Communications Appointments

Javier Perez, President of MasterCard Europe, commented: “I am delighted to welcome Pedro and Paul to the European team, in what has been a momentous year for MasterCard. We have made the major transition to a publicly traded company and launched a new corporate brand. Pedro and Paul both now have a critical role to play in promoting the ‘new’ face of MasterCard to our external and internal audiences.” Rangel was most recently Senior Business Leader, Marketing, for MasterCard’s Latin America and Caribbean Region, based in Miami. Prior to joining MasterCard in 2005, he was Vice President Global Marketing for Lufthansa. Before that, he spent 18 years with Procter & Gamble, in various marketing positions across South America. In his new role, Rangel will be responsible for the strategic management of MasterCard Europe’s brand-building, promotional programmes; customer marketing; sponsorship and events; investment strategies and other marketing activities. He will report jointly to Perez and MasterCard Worldwide Chief Marketing Officer Lawrence Flanagan, who is based in Purchase, New York. Vandermoere joins MasterCard with 15 years’ experience in various international public relations and communications management positions with Lufthansa throughout Europe, where he was most recently Director of Communications, Europe & CIS, based in Brussels. Between 2003 and 2005, he was assigned as General Manager Communications to the Association of European Airlines (AEA) in Brussels. In his new role, Vandermoere will be responsible for developing and implementing internal and external communications strategies across the region. He will report jointly to Perez and MasterCard Worldwide Group Executive of Communications Harvey Greisman, who is based in Purchase, New York. 

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