Morpho acquires mobile payment specialist AirTag

For the payment market, Morpho offers identification, digital signature and multi-factor authentication solutions, including biometric authentication, to ensure the security of online transactions from a smartphone or online. By combining their areas of expertise, the two companies will be able to manage the multiple security aspects involved in mobile payments.

Anne Bouverot, CEO of Morpho, said, „The complementary capabilities of our two companies in this strategic sector will enable us to offer more security and convenience to our bank and retail clients, from customer acquisition to mobile payment.“

Jérémie Leroyer, co-founder and CEO of AirTag, added, „We are both proud and delighted to join Morpho, giving us access to a global distribution network that will accelerate our development. Our combined solutions perfectly match the requirements of banks and retailers, who seek to optimize the customer experience, while also guaranteeing maximum smartphone transaction security.“


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