Morpho and Airtel Partnering for eKYC Proof of Concept in India

Airtel India is the leading mobile network operator (MNO) in India and has the country’s largest subscriber base of 228 million end users. Airtel selected Morpho to develop a new, digitally-based subscriber on-boarding process and meet increasing demand for data reliability. Using the secure, well-established Indian ID system Aadhaar, Morpho’s eKYC solution provides Airtel with innovative technologies and services to enable one of the first paperless ID experiences performed in India for an MNO.

The Airtel POC initiative to launch registration is being carried out at various retail points in Lucknow, the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh. Morpho’s managed services, which are supported by fully integrated MorphoTablets™ as the single user interface, include the front- and back-end applications. End users benefit from greater convenience, avoiding the need to provide multiple kinds of papers and enabling a quicker activation of the subscription.

Yves Portalier, Vice President and General Manager Telecom Business Unit of Morpho, said: “Morpho has placed great emphasis on developing a solution that is paperless, flexible, fast and cost effective. MNOs can establish more sophisticated services through strong, trusted ID management, thus avoiding fraud. As people and objects become more and more connected, security and authentication have taken on a new dimension. Morpho is focused on digital ID solutions that enable service providers to reinforce authentication processes and guarantee secure access to multiple devices and accounts.”

Sanjeev Shriya, Senior Vice President, India, at Morpho, added: “India is currently one of the best possible global markets to establish cutting-edge technologies. This project with Airtel perfectly demonstrates Morpho’s global leadership in biometric-based solutions for mobile network operators. Strong KYC solutions are at the heart of future mobile ID business trends. They will allow MNOs to deploy a whole new set of services by knowing their customers better.”


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