Morpho and Orange Cyberdefense form Cybersecurity Partnership

Morpho brings to the partnership its end-to-end expertise in digital identity to help prevent cyberattacks. The company works with both private and public entities to help protect their sensitive data, leveraging in particular its biometric expertise in identity and access control management, as well as its experience in secure transactions and long-term storage of data, while ensuring its probative value.

Orange Cyberdefense already enjoys an unrivaled position in the French digital security market, and aims to further extend its international reach. Morpho will benefit from its expertise in cyber-surveillance, ensured through its worldwide network comprised of six Security Operations Centers (SOC), which monitors customers’ infrastructures 24/7.

“We are already long-standing partners in the telecom sector, and we are now delighted to extend our collaboration with the Orange Group in the growing cybersecurity market,” said Olivier Méaux, head of Morpho’s Digital Security and Authentication division. “Through this agreement, we can pool our strengths in both France and international markets.”

Michel Van Den Berghe, CEO of Orange Cyberdefense, added: “Our mission is to protect our customers’ vital assets. We have created an ecosystem based on trust, whose access depends on the proper identification and authentication mechanisms for accredited persons. Our partnership with Morpho will allow us to strengthen our solutions in digital identity protection, particularly in the field of biometrics.”

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