Morpho provides its technology for India’s UIDAI number

The program is designed to provide a secure identity to all Indian residents, based on the latest generation biometric technologies (fingerprint and iris recognition). As part of this project each Indian resident will be assigned a unique identification number. This number will not only enable secure access to benefits and services (education, telecom, medical care, banking and financial services), but also unprecedented political and economic rights for the residents of India. Currently among the project’s three successful bidders, selected following an extensive qualification process, Mahindra Satyam/Morpho is the only Indian company-led consortium that has already de-duplicated thousands of biometric records at the UIDAI centre in Bangalore, using Morpho’s technology. “We are very proud that our technology has been the first to de-duplicate biometrics for the issuance of the very first Aadhaar number,” commented Jean-Paul Jainsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morpho. “It is truly a remarkable achievement that the UIDAI authority has been able to accomplish in just a year. Morpho has been involved in the Indian government’s biometric projects since 2003 and we look forward to taking on the major technological challenges that come with this project.” 

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