Morpho supplies KT Korea with NFC SIM cards

South Korea is one of the few countries in the world where NFC is already being deployed commercially in significant quantities. With Morpho’s technology, KT can now enable even more customers to experience the benefits of contactless transactions. People in South Korea will be able to use their mobile phones to pay transit fares or to make retail payments at 200,000 contactless terminals.

“Our customers embrace the usage of NFC technology and appreciate the benefits it brings for their daily life. We are committed to driving this technology trend further ahead, and with Morpho we have a reliable technology partner at our side,” said Andy Choun, Manager USIM TF Team, Mobile Device Planning Department at KT Korea.

“With this involvement in the mass-market rollout of NFC in South Korea, Morpho underlines its role as a major partner for contactless technology,” noted Paul Naldrett, Senior Vice President Telecoms, e-Documents Division at Morpho. “Based on our extensive experience in digital security and global Trusted Services Solutions, we are able to support the use of Near Field Communication by making it safe and convenient with the SIM as the secure element.”


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