Morpho to acquire American Banknotes European card manufacturing and personalization operations

With this acquisition, Morpho will enhance its European network of bank card personalization centers and improve its ability to offer its customers proximity payment card solutions and services:

  • Morpho’s position in the French market will be strengthened thanks to CPS Technologies SAS’ state-of-the art bank card personalization and Trusted Service Management Center in Lyon. Morpho and CPS Technologies started their relationship in 2002 to supply major French and European banks with personalized credit and debit cards.
  • ABnote Czech sro will bring to Morpho a key industrial asset, enhancing its manufacturing and personalization capabilities in the heart of the fast-growing Eastern Europe banking card market. ABnote Czech has been a qualified Morpho supplier of EMV card bodies since 2010.

The closing of the transaction is expected before year end.

“The acquisition is fully in line with our strategy for the European banking market. Our target is to develop our local services for our customers by expanding our network of card personalization centers. Thanks to the complementary Morpho, CPS Technologies and ABnote Czech footprints in terms of geographical coverage, technologies and activities, our customers will directly benefit from our additional market reach,” said Philippe d’Andréa, Executive Vice President Morpho, e-Documents Division.

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