Morpho to help revamp Mauritania’s ID document system

Morpho will guarantee the secure issuance of ID documents for both citizens and residents, including multi-application ID cards, polycarbonate data page passports, residence cards and driver licenses. For this, Morpho will use the latest version of its multibiometric recognition system, combining fingerprint and facial recognition technologies. This latest-generation program also incorporates “Mauritania Visit”, a border control system that will help manage passenger flows (issuance and control of biometric visas), as well as a fingerprint recognition system to support the fight against terrorism and criminality. “It is a great honor for Morpho to support Mauritania’s advanced initiative to revamp its national ID document system,” said Jean-Paul Jainsky, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morpho. “This custom-tailored project also is an excellent reference for us at Morpho, since it involves one of the first totally integrated systems of this type, combining citizen identification, production of ID documents and secure border control.” 

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