National Police Board of Finland and Gemalto win leading industry award for new ePassports and eID cards

The introduction of Finland’s new ePassport and national ID card coincides with the 100th anniversary of the country’s independence. Combining advanced security with striking artwork, both documents are the result of a highly effective partnership between Gemalto’s team of security experts, the National Police Board, and other stakeholders including the Finnish Immigration Service, Border Guard, Population Register Centre and Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Finnish Police also welcomed input direct from citizens.

The biometric passport is fully compliant with the latest ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) specifications for identity fraud protection and forgery prevention. An embedded contactless microprocessor stores the holder’s digital image and fingerprint scans. Numerous additional security elements are incorporated, including the Window Lock feature for photo protection, a negative ghost image that is laser personalized into a metallic foil hidden in a transparent window.

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