NFC Forum Publishes New and Updated Technical Specifications

New candidate specifications

NFC Logical Link Control Protocol (LLCP) Candidate Technical Specification Version 1.3 defines a protocol to support P2P communication between two NFC-enabled devices, which is essential for any NFC applications that involve bi-directional communications. Candidate Version 1.3 of the LLCP specification adds an unauthenticated secure data transport option to ensure privacy and confidentiality of messages exchanged between peer devices.

NFC Controller Interface (NCI) Candidate Technical Specification Version 2.0 defines a standard interface within an NFC device between an NFC controller and the device’s main application processor. NCI 2.0 introduces the concept of RF Interface Extensions to optimize for developers the data exchange for P2P and memory tag communications. The Listen Mode Routing mechanism has been extended to provide more flexibility for NFC devices with multiple secure elements. The new version also includes the option for NFC controllers to emulate NFC Forum tags autonomously, as well as a high-level RF interface to communicate with NFC Forum tags. NCI 2.0 supports Active Communication Mode (ACM) for P2P communication and Type V technology, allowing NFC devices to communicate with a broader range of devices and tags.

„With the release of these specifications, the NFC Forum’s Technical Working Groups have delivered capabilities that make NFC communications more robust, flexible, information-rich, and secure,“ said Koichi Tagawa, chairman of the NFC Forum. „The specifications also help to ensure a great user experience across the broadest range of use cases. We thank our Working Groups and Technical Committee for their outstanding work.“

Candidate specifications remain candidates for final release pending feedback from NFC Forum members and other standards organizations. By releasing candidate specifications, the NFC Forum enables organizations in the NFC ecosystem to begin integrating them into their own work. This gives both NFC Forum members and other standards organizations an opportunity to accelerate their development and provide valuable feedback that can be incorporated into the final specifications. Once the feedback has been evaluated and integrated, the specification will be officially adopted and released by the NFC Forum.

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