NXP engineers win prestigious European Inventor Award for NFC

“NFC is simply about making all of our lives easier with technology that is secure and easy to use,” said Rick Clemmer, CEO and president, NXP Semiconductors. “It’s great to see that Franz, Philippe and their teams have been rewarded for their hard work. They not only invented the technology but have remained as evangelists for NFC, strongly influencing its deployment in various markets.”

“As the co-inventor of NFC technology, we are genuinely thrilled about NXP winning the European Inventor Award this year,” said Kazuyuki Sakamoto, senior general manager of FeliCa Business Division, Sony Corporation. “NXP and Sony have worked together diligently over the past 13 years within the NFC Forum to familiarize the market with NFC as well as working on product development and standardization activities. Sony also makes use of the intuitive NFC interface, enabling many of its consumer products to offer greater convenience to users. With the continuing support from NXP and related ecosystem players, we hope to keep increasing market and user awareness of NFC.”

Through the development of NFC technology, NXP has significantly influenced major trends across various industry sectors. In manufacturing, NFC is now used as an enabling technology to accelerate the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0. NFC has helped to enable smarter production lines and enhanced man-to-machine interfaces. NFC is also playing an important role in the evolution of payments by making smartphone transactions trusted, secure and seamless.

This year’s event marked the 10th anniversary of the awards and was held on the June 11 2015 at the Palais Brongniart in Paris, France. There were five categories for the awards spanning industry, small to medium size enterprises (SMEs), research, non-European countries and lifetime achievement. Three previous finalists of the awards, Peter Grünberg, Stefan Hell and Shuji Nakamura have gone on to win Nobel Prizes.


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