Oberthur Technologies partners with Samsung for the launch of Samsung Pay in Europe

Contracting with Samsung and OT, banks will be able to offer their NFC payment card in the Samsung Pay application in a very secure and seamless way. Samsung and OT will manage all the enrolment, provisioning and lifecycle processes for the banks, enabling issuers to deploy their NFC payment service without major infrastructure investment and with a very fast time-to-market.

The end-users on-boarding will also be greatly simplified thanks to the very intuitive enrolment method offered by Samsung Pay. All the user will need to do is to take a picture of his current payment card (or enter its data) and accept the terms and conditions of the service. Once the user has been properly authenticated by his/her bank, OT will provision the NFC payment card over-the-air in the eSE and it will automatically be available from the Samsung Pay application.

“We created the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge from the ground up to be the most advanced smartphones ever made, not only as superior devices from a design and technological standpoint, but also as powerful enablers for unmatched services.  Since the early stage of the Samsung Pay service definition, OT has been a key partner to us, both for their innovative mindset and technological expertise and for their strong banking customer footprint,” said Dr. Injong Rhee, Executive Vice President of Mobile Commerce at Samsung Electronics.

“We are very proud to have been the first selected by Samsung for the launch of Samsung Pay in Europe and to bring this new service to the many banks who will partner with us in Europe. Combining our unmatched expertise in the secure provisioning of payment means and other services with PEARL by OT® eSE we are connecting Samsung to a large ecosystem of service providers worldwide,” said Marek Juda, Managing Director of the Solutions Business Unit at OT.



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