Oberthur Technologies to launch the first Dual Prepaid smart card in South Africa

The card has been designed for use in retail outlets throughout South Africa to offer consumers increased convenience and speed at the point of sale (POS), while giving retailers the benefit of faster till points and providing a secure alternative to cash. The card can also be used as a transport token in South Africa’s new integrated transport system, implemented by the National Department of Transport. Customers can load money onto their card either using cash or directly from a bank account, via a POS terminal, transit kiosk, Internet banking or an ATM. The balance on the card will be limited to R1500 (USD 210) at any time and a maximum of R3000 (USD 420) may be loaded on the card per month. Each transaction will be limited to R200 ( USD 28) and the card is also available to customers without an ABSA account. The card is currently being piloted and will be rolled out early 2011. www.oberthurcs.com 

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