OMNISECURE – never more relevant so aktuell wie nie

OMNISECURE 2020 – the next conference for smart identity solutions will take place in Berlin from 20th to 22nd January

Around 400 delegates will be participating in the 27th annual conference, which takes place under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The topics will include digital payment, blockchain, digital Europe, connected living, the digital economy and digital citizens.

On the eve of the conference (20th Jan.) delegates from the fields of industry, politics, research and public administration meet up for their first networking event. This is an evening when experts engage in an intensive exchange of ideas. A selection of start-ups will give short pitches with innovative ideas..

The programme for January 2020 will be accessible here from mid-October.

Avail of the favourable terms in our Participation + Hotel Package There are special conditions for participants from research institutions and public authorities.

Basic Data

400 participants | Over 100 top speakers | 22 large forums
12 tutorials and workshops | Discussion and networking on two long evenings

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