OSPT Alliance Announces First Companies to Receive CIPURSE V2 Certification

The objective of the CIPURSE certification program is to provide transport authorities and public transport operators with confidence that the products they implement in their solutions are compatible and interoperable with the transport and ticketing ecosystems. KEOLABS, an ISO/IEC 17025 v 2005 certified provider of conformance testing services for smart cards and secure components, was responsible for verifying that the Infineon Technologies and Oberthur Technologies products delivered the required functionality of the CIPURSE standard and would operate as expected once live in the field.

“We are delighted that two of our members have received the CIPURSE v2 certification for their transit products and are now able to use the official ‘CIPURSE Certified’ logo,” comments Laurent Cremer, Executive Director of OSPT Alliance. “Along with its members, OSPT Alliance is dedicated to meeting the industry’s requirements for an open, interoperable and flexible ecosystem for advanced fare collection solutions. We are continuing to advance both the CIPURSE standard and associated certification programs to ensure that they meet the evolving and advancing needs of the industry.”



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