OSPT Alliance Announces New Test Plan

OSPT Alliance’s Executive Director, Laurent Cremer, comments: “Certification brings multiple benefits to products, including consistency and interoperability between different CIPURSE-certified products in the field. A product that is certified compliant will behave consistently through personalization and over its lifetime in use.”
“A company has to be a full member of the OSPT Alliance and commit to certify its CIPURSE products if it wishes to sell such products “, adds Cremer. “This also gives them access to the CIPURSE trademark and the opportunity to contribute further to development of the CIPURSE standard.”

Since the beginning of 2015, nine products have been certified through the CIPURSE certification program, bringing the total number of certified products available to 22. Further products are expected to be certified throughout 2016, maintaining a steady climb in the number of certified products.

CIPURSE Certification program documentation is available for download from osptalliance.org/certification


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