OSPT Alliance Membership Grows with Transport operator, São Paulo Transporte

Established in 1995, São Paulo Transporte – Brazil’s largest transport operator – works to streamline and progress the city’s public transport system to accommodate the needs of the more than 20 million inhabitants of its metropolitan area. São Paulo Transporte has demonstrated its progressive presence in the transport community through initiatives such as its soon to be upgraded Bilhete Único system for fare control, which enables contactless smart card transactions.

The OSPT Alliance’s CIPURSE™ open standard, which offers an advanced foundation for developing interoperable fare collection systems, represents the next step for São Paulo Transporte in continuing to drive efficient and cost-effective transport solutions for the city.

Pedro Gimene, Superintendent of Information Technology, comments, “We are thrilled to be a part of OSPT Alliance. We are always pursuing initiatives that will allow us to optimize journey times and improve the overall experience for those who travel with us. We currently have 13 million active cards in São Paulo. We intend over the next few months to start developing new systems of SAM Cards which will incorporate the CIPURSE standard. The sharing of ideas through participation in working groups is paramount in achieving both this goal and presenting scalable future solutions that will be flexible to the long term needs of the city.”

Laurent Cremer, Executive Director of OSPT Alliance, adds: “We are pleased to welcome São Paulo Transporte as an Associate Member. The company is a key player in advancing the Latin American public transportation ecosystem and its joining of OSPT Alliance is an encouraging step forward for the integration of CIPURSE in the region.  We look forward to supporting São Paulo Transporte’s long term evolution and implementation requirements.”


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