OT and Swedbank reinforce their long-standing partnership in Sweden and the Baltic regions

OT will also provide Smart Services to the bank, such as Smart Assure and Smart OneCard. OT’s Smart Assure is a comprehensive business continuity planning solution which enables the bank to consistently offer a high level of services to its cardholder base. Smart OneCard is OT’s complete solution for picture cards: from image upload by the cardholder through to card personalization and fulfillment.

“We are delighted Swedbank have renewed their confidence in us with this 6-year new contract. It means that this leading bank in Scandinavia and the Baltic region trusts OT to provide secure payment cards and related services” said Eric Duforest, Managing Director of the Payment Business Unit at OT. “Furthermore, it reinforces OT’s position as the market leader in the payment business in Northern Europe”.

“Swedbank wanted to have a unique supplier who covers all its demands in both technology and geographical footprint. We always strive for being as efficient as possible in our card business – though cards are the dominant mean of payment in our markets – our demands for service, delivery and quality are on a very high level. Since the beginning of our partnership, in 2009, OT has always been a trustworthy partner. It was, therefore, natural for us to renew our collaboration for the next six years” said Michael Anderberg, Senior Manager Card Payments Business Strategy & Continuity Management, Group Cards at Swedbank.



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