OT announces appointment of Christophe Fontaine as head of Identity division

“I am delighted to announce the appointment of Christophe Fontaine in OT. His main mission in the Identity Business Unit is to accelerate the growth of this key activity for our Group, around the world and especially in emerging markets. His international experience and strong business expertise will be key assets in strengthening the activity globally” said Didier Lamouche, President and CEO of OT.

Christophe Fontaine, Managing Director of the Identity Business unit added: “I am very happy to be joining OT, a leading and highly innovative company. The ambition of Oberthur Technologies is clear and exciting. I intend to use all my experience and the quality of the teams of the Business Unit to effectively and quickly achieve our development goals. ”

Before joining OT, Christophe Fontaine served as Vice President Group and Chief Customer Officer at Air Liquide. In this context, he was in charge of the strategic global customers and partners of the Group.

Christophe Fontaine began his career as the Scientific Attaché at the French Embassy in Belgium. He joined Air Liquide in 1987 where he managed specialty gases used in the semiconductor industry. After several positions in France and Scotland, and 3 years in the United States, he became General Manager of Air Liquide Electronics Europe. Then, he was successively appointed Deputy Vice President (1998) and Vice President (2000), of the new World Business Line Air Liquide Electronics. In 2004, he moved to Tokyo to oversee the creation of the Asian platform of the Electronics activity, while retaining his position as Air Liquide Electronics Vice President. In 2009, he returned to Paris as Vice President, Large Industry Business, positioned mainly on the segments of Chemistry, Energy and Steel. In this function Christophe Fontaine developed the Group’s business in many emerging countries in Eastern Europe and Asia in particular.


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