OT completes acquisition of display card specialist NagraID Security

The patented display card technology developed by NagraID Security enables significantly more secure and convenient online transactions for end customers that will transform the payment card industry thanks to:

  • One Time Password (OTP), a dynamic password valid for a unique authentication displayed on the front of the payment card, a perfect answer to address skyrocketing e-banking services fraud and the vulnerability of static passwords
  • Dynamic card verification value (DCVV), a dynamic 3 or 4-digit security code usually displayed on the back of payment cards, which addresses the critical need to efficiently secure e-commerce payment services. This solution enables quick adoption by the cardholder since it does not require any specific enrolment process or any changes in merchant infrastructure, so that Banks can immediately deploy it on their own initiative to block the growth of fraud.

This technology is a perfect add-on to OT’s products and services in the field of payments and identification. OT’s industrial and geographical sales coverage will enable rapid deployment of this technology so that it becomes a worldwide standard for secure payment, helping to reduce fraud and improving end-user’s trust for online payments and services. In order to accelerate even further its adoption worldwide, OT will also propose this technology to other actors in the payment market, by selling components or through licensing.



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