OT equips brand-new ZTE nubia Z9 family to enable secure NFC applications

PEARL by OT® is the most advanced multi-application eSE. It is also the first of its kind to be certified by China UnionPay, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. PEARL by OT® allows easy deployment of secure contactless payment, strong authentication, transit, access and loyalty applications. The PEARL eSE comes with NFC transportation and payment services powered by OT’s China secure hub already connected to major payment and transport service providers in China and around the world. OT is a leader in trusted payment proposed by OEMs with more than 160 million multi-application eSE deployed and used in the field.

“We are very pleased that nubia selected OT once again to deploy convenient payment and transport services on its new nubia Z9 and Z9 Max after we equipped nubia Z7,” said Cédric Collomb, Managing Director of the Telecom Business Unit at OT. “Thanks to our important local presence, OT is expanding services coverage in China jointly with our OEM customers. Our contribution to set up creative business models combined with our excellent and deep knowledge of the Payment and Transport ecosystem and longstanding relationship with domestic services providers is making this possible.”

“The nubia family is enriched with new innovative and convenient services that could be easily and massively deployed thanks to PEARL by OT®,” said Ni Fei, CEO of nubia brand.



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