OT equips Lenovo smartphones with PEARL by OT® eSE to enable mobile transport and payment services in China

Oberthur Technologies (OT) announced that brand new Lenovo smartphones will be equipped with its state-of-the-art NFC embedded Secure Element (eSE). Thanks to this very first partnership between OT and Lenovo, OT’s advanced eSE PEARL by OT® will allow Lenovo to offer secure and convenient mobile payment and transport services. Equipping three different smartphones models with OT’s eSE, Lenovo will provide Chinese users with convenient and secure NFC services, enhancing their transit and payment experience. PEARL by OT® is the most advanced multi-application eSE and allows easy deployment of secure contactless payment, strong authentication, transit, access and loyalty applications. The solution provided by OT to Lenovo will also include the secure Key Management system used to grant access to the eSE to partner applications, as well as the connection to OT’s China secure hub, already on-boarding major payment and transport service providers in China.



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