OT recognized as #1 in payment innovation by ABI Research

Innovation is a key focus for OT with 700 dedicated engineers and 11 R&D centers across the world. OT has recently announced the launch of the pilot of the first payment card integrating Motion Code™ with BPCE group. This innovative technology adds a new layer of security to online transactions, but with complete transparency for cardholders and retailers.

In the mobile payment sector, OT also made an important breakthrough as the first partner to be selected by Samsung for the deployment of Samsung Pay in Europe. Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge are all equipped with OT’s state-of-the-art NFC embedded Secure Element (eSE), PEARL by OT®. OT provides the end-to-end service from the eSE and the securisation of the end user biometry up to the Universal Credential Platform.

ABI Research provides in-depth analysis and quantitative forecasting of trends in global connectivity and other emerging technologies. From offices in North America, Europe and Asia, ABI Research’s worldwide team of experts advises thousands of decision makers through 70+ research and advisory services.




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